744A4C | 948254 | 9F8D8D | A45751 | B0B5AE | B8B882 | BC8B62 | FFFFFF |
Model: Claudine
Make Up and Hair: Joy Lynh Matmanivong
Published in ESTELA MAGAZINE Issue III, August 30,2012
Planning this shoot was fun and resulted in a 35-pages concept sheet with every single detail lined out. The storyline was about a woman back in the vintage days driving her 69 Mustang convertible along Route 66. I don't want to stereotype here, but she spent quiet a while at the gas station. Working with professionals such as Claudine (model) and Joy (MUA) was a blast, and I enjoyed every minute. It was the first long ride for the Mustang with the new engine and driving a classic convertible without A/C during a ChicagoLand heatwave to the set is what it takes to get into that vintage feeling... I guess. The shoot took place at 95F at the old Standard Oil Gas Station in Odell, IL. I guess it's hot when you realize the model's heels sink into the asphalt.
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@Basile Pesso: Thanks for the feedback Basile,
it's a tear sheet, the picture stretches over 2 full pages, so the vertical line is the separation between these 2 pages (not part of the actual picture)