000000 2D2D2D 525252 767676 8F8F8F ABABAB C7C7C7 E1E1E1

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Me. Minnie Mouse.

Posted by
Jerry - a moment in time [...] (Chicago, United States) on 28 April 2014 in Abstract & Conceptual and Portfolio.

Model: Lily
Photographer: Thomas H.P. Jerusalem

Canon EOS 7D 1/250 second F/6.3 ISO 100 42 mm


All images, unless otherwise noted, are subject to US and international copyright laws and are the property of a-moment-in-time.com © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. No photograph may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, profit or non-profit without the written permission of a-moment-in-time.com - unless it's for personal use.

STEED from D, France

Creative !!!!! Nice,Jerry ....

28 Apr 2014 8:55pm

claudie from le havre, France

Magnifique !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j'adore !!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Aug 2014 6:49am


Canon EOS 7D
1/250 second
ISO 100
42 mm
